If you're local, and haven't visited us yet, please do!
For all booking correspondence, please send email to: clhamby65@gmail.com. Be sure to write BOOKING in the subject header.
Please take a minute to check and see what kind of place you’re looking at. It’s not a listening room, but it’s not a sports bar either. We provide basic sound with a dedicated and competent sound person, and we do like to keep it simple.
Our room is very small! The stage is less than 30 square feet. And we keep things very simple. If you require your own special sound system, full drum kit, large amps*, backing tracks, loopers or racks of special effects, you may want to look elsewhere.
Send the following:
Artist’s name, phone number and email address (plus name, phone number and email address of the person I will be communicating directly with IF NOT the artist)
Specific dates looking to book
Number of musicians in act and instrumentation (include information about electric/acoustic gear)
Audio and/or video samples of the act. EPKs or Facebook pages I have to dig through on a treasure hunt don't work for me. PLEASE only send samples of what this act is likely to perform in a live show, i.e., no produced videos with lots of extra ingredients mixed in, and no audition tapes with backing tracks (as I mentioned, we don’t do that here)
I will get back to you just as soon as I can. I do listen to everything that comes in, and it takes time. Thanks for understanding!
* Seriously. Anything bigger than a suitcase you can carry with one arm is too much for this room.
Carrie Hamby
Blue Tavern
1206 N. Monroe St.
Tallahassee FL 32303